Youth Ministries

Youth Have Spoken

by Marlene Rodriguez, Diocese of Puerto Rico
Official Youth Presence journalist

“This is what the church have been groaning for”. These are the words of the Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori at the end of the speech given by Nora and Patrick, our two speakers who addressed both houses and the ECW. They shared their stories of how they meet God, letting the holy spirit work on each of the deputies heart’s and among the church members as a whole.

“Youth events have taught me to speak even when my voice trembles”(Nora Vinas).

God has a purpose for the youth of the Episcopal Church, he is telling us ‘brace yourselves cause we are the youth of tomorrow but we are also growing the church of today.’

We have caused positive impact and our hope is that from now on till the end of the days, the church will support the youth events, help them to work on the church and teach them what to do when God calls them.

It is more than important that the leaders of today’s church, teach and prepare the youth of the church because we are now here, tomorrow it’s a mystery but today it’s a gift, that’s why it’s called present.

The church is like the water when is agitated it become difficult to see but if you allow it to settle the answer becomes clear. God is calling us to prepare, cause you never now when will be a decision time and what changes he might wanted you to do.

Filed under: General Convention