Youth Ministries

Staying in Touch with the Office of Youth Ministries

“The thing that we are trying to do at Facebook, is just help people connect and communicate more efficiently.” – Mark Zuckerberg

Efficient, effective communication is extremely important to the Formation and Vocation Ministries Team. Together, we work to make sure we are regularly blogging, updating social media networks, and watching for questions and communications that require further engagement.

With this in mind, here is an overview of the various ways you can stay in touch with the Office of Youth Ministries:

(You will want to “Like” our page for it to show up in your “News Feed.”)

(This will only be useful to you if you have a Twitter account. If you are already on Twitter, you will want to “Follow” us.)

(You can “Subscribe” to our channel on YouTube. There is only one video there now but watch for more in the future.)

E-newsletter sign-up:
(Please note: E-newsletters are issued only occasionally and on an as-needed basis. We do not send e-newsletters unless there is time-sensitive, important information we need to communicate.)

EpiscoYouth Blog: This blog serves as the hub of information. Check here regularly. You can have new blog posts on EpiscoYouth emailed to you using the “Follow EpiscoYouth” button in the column at right. website: The Youth Ministries page of the Episcopal Church website is here: On this page you will find links to reports and other content more static in nature.

Communications networks specific to the Episcopal Youth Event (EYE):


Twitter hashtag: Use or follow #EYE14 website: Click HERE to visit the main website page for EYE. Registration and other information will be posted here as it becomes available.

Wondering about Tumblr, Instagram, or another of your favorite social media networks?

We anticipate adding to our social media portfolio as EYE nears. I will be working with Randall Curtis and a team of young adults to develop appropriate communications outlets next spring.

As these and other communications opportunities grow and change, we will post updates on this blog – and we will create new icons in the right sidebar to help make it as easy as possible for you to stay in the loop.

Good communication is both collaborative and collective. Please be in touch if you have any suggestions, ideas or corrections.

In peace…

Wendy Johnson
Social Media Coordinator