Youth Ministries

Responding to Hurricane Sandy

Post-hurricane view from the rectory at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Oakland, Garrett County, the westernmost county of Maryland, where blizzard conditions dumped more than a foot of snow. (Photo from ENS)

As we all know, Hurricane Sandy swept through the Caribbean on October 25 before continuing up the East Coast and making landfall in central New Jersey on October 29. The storm has claimed at least 124 lives, displaced thousands and caused blizzards, widespread flooding and power outages and devastation.

In the aftermath of this widespread disaster, affected Episcopal dioceses in the U.S. and the Caribbean are already starting to mobilize to assess damages and determine how to help.

Additionally, Episcopal Relief & Development is reaching out to partners along the U.S East Coast and throughout the Caribbean as they assess needs and develop response strategies. The agency has developed a bulletin insert for use in congregations this Sunday.

Donate now to Episcopal Relief and Development’s Gifts to this fund will support relief and recovery efforts in both the Caribbean and the US as our partners respond to Superstorm Sandy.

I will also be sure to pass along information about ways to support our brothers and sisters in Christ as they recover from this devastation.

Read the story on Hurricane Sandy posted on Episcopal News Service.

Filed under: Hurricane Sandy