Youth Ministries

Resources for Ministry After a Disaster

The US East Coast has again been and the Caribbean continues to dig out from Hurricane Sandy. In the aftermath of this devastation, many of us find ourselves in ongoing ministry with those directly affected by these storms.

Episcopal Relief and Development offers to assist with planning programming in the wake of devastation. Also available from the Episcopal Relief and Development Resource Library are:

Church Publishing has also developed a list of resources available from other denominational offices:

  • On the Destruction of a Home is a service of pastoral care for families, couples or individuals who have lost a home to a natural disaster that can be adapted for specific needs and local circumstances from Presbyterian Church USA.
  • Carolyn Winfrey Gillette has written a hymn to the tune of “The God of Abraham Praise” entitled, When Waters Roar and Foam.
  • The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America offers a number of prayers and hymn suggestions in the aftermath of “Sandy.”
  • The Presbyterian Mission Agency offers instruction for making Gift of the Heart Kits (school kits, hygiene kits, baby kits, and cleanup buckets) all of which can be used in New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut coastal communities as well as Haiti, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic and other Caribbean nations.

Please feel free to post in the comments any other resources you know will be helpful to folks as they continue in ministry during these difficult times.

Filed under: Hurricane Sandy