Join Me in Praying and Working for Justice for Children

So many of us continue to be haunted by the violence involving children that has been dominating the news in the past few months. From the sinking of the South Korean ferry, to the lost wreckage of Malaysian flight 370, to the kidnapping of more than 200 Nigerian girls, we are reminded now more than ever that our world continues to be an unjust and unsafe place for many children, especially girls.

Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori last week issued a statement that summed up both our collective response and responsibility:

The Episcopal Church is horrified at the violence perpetrated against innocent schoolgirls in Nigeria, and the willingness of those who should be addressing this to look the other way. The unfortunate truth is that girls and women are still deemed dispensable in much of the world, or at least of lesser value than members of the other sex. The necessary response is education – of girls and boys, in equal numbers and to an equal degree, that all might take their rightful place in societies that serve all their citizens with equal respect and dignity. I pray that all Episcopalians, and all people of faith and good will, will pray and plead with their political leaders to find the kidnappers, liberate these girls, and restore them to the safety they deserve. May God have mercy on us all.

Inspired to action, is dedicating this week’s devotions on global justice for children. Today’s devotion begins:

We are drawn to stories of children. We see ourselves in their faces and we naturally want to care for and protect them. When children are threatened we want to respond. We want to do…something. Our children belong to all of us and we each have a role to play in making their lives safe and sustaining. God’s justice calls us to this task.

I invite you to join me in praying this week of devotions on

I challenge you, as well, to join me in being ever more watchful for ways in which we can be more involved in responding to God’s call to creating a just, safe, and sustaining world for all children.

If you have any ideas for action or prayer that you would like to share, please add them in the comments below.
