Youth Ministries

January 22 is National Faith Call-In Day

We’ve been praying and working for immigration reform, and now is our chance to make it a reality.

On Tuesday, January 22nd, welcome the new Congress by making sure they know that people of faith demand humane immigration reform in 2013.

Call 1-866-940-2439 to be connected with BOTH of your Senators.

Tell them that as their constituent and as a person of faith, you want immigration reform that provides a pathway to FULL CITIZENSHIP and prioritizes FAMILY UNITY.

Here’s a sample script you can use to tailor your personal message:

Hi, my name is (NAME/TTTLE), from (CITY, CONGREGATION).  

May I please speak with the staff person who handles immigration issues?

I urge the Senator to support a common sense, humane immigration reform bill that prioritizes family unity and creates a pathway to citizenship for aspiring Americans who are currently undocumented. What is the Senator doing to help enact immigration reform this year?

Make sure to call twice to reach both of your Senators, and please spread the word! Ask your friends, family members, neighbors, congregations, and communities to call their Senators.

For information on how to get more involved in the push for immigration reform, as well as talking points and the IIC’s recommendations to Congress, go to

Filed under: Immigration Reform, Misc