Youth Ministries

Have You Answered The Riddle?

As a child of the 60’s who spent time as a teenager campaigning to gain passage of the Equal Rights Amendment, I was more than thrilled this week as my residential home state of Minnesota legislated marriage equality.

I am painfully aware of the theological and faithful differences of opinion on this subject, yet I stand in the place of love and inclusion.

I believe that Jesus calls us to welcome all to the Cross.

As a youth minister from the 90’s to the present, I have too often been witness to the devastating and sometimes deadly effects of cultural non-tolerance of LGBTQ teens. The Gospel calls us to ministry with the disenfranchised, and the Anglican Marks of Mission call us to “Change unjust structures.”

The United Nations Human Rights Council created the powerful video above to help promote tolerance, acceptance, advocacy, solidarity, love, and peace.

Please join me in thinking and praying about what we can do together to combat discrimination and bring bullying to an end in our communities and around the world.

Filed under: LGBTQ