Youth Ministries

Guest Blogging

Blog posts from guest bloggers are a favorite! If you’re interested in submitting a guest post, here are some suggestions:

Length: Keep your post between 300 to 1,000 words. Shorter is better.

Visuals: Send along a photo or video. Blogging is as much a visual platform as it is a text-driven one. Also, bolding and italicizing makes the post more visually appealing.

Headers/Titles: Suggest a catchy, clever title and a few subtitles. Breaking up the story helps catch the reader’s eye.

Lists: Numbered or bullet pointed lists help readers find information. If it makes sense, incorporate a list into your post.

As you would expect, we reserve the right to refuse publication and to edit for length, style, headers, etc. Although we will always give you final review before a post is published.

If you have any questions or want to submit a post, email Bronwyn Clark Skov.