Youth Ministries

EYE'14 Mission Planning Team Meets, Chooses Theme

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The Mission Planning Team for the Episcopal Youth Event 2014 (EYE’14) gathered in San Diego last week for their second of four face-to-face meetings. In addition to meetings like this one, their preparations are accomplished through video conference calls, Facebook conversations, and a project organizing application called Basecamp.

I couldn’t be more grateful and impressed by this group of 14 hardworking, intelligent, faithful, creative youth and the adults called to engage this ministry with them.

Many decisions about EYE’14 are in process as the Music and Liturgy Committee reviewed band and musician applications and considered potential presiders and preachers, the Program Committee discerned potential keynote speakers and workshop leaders, and the Hospitality and Logistics Committee continued collecting the details of a pilgrimage into Episcopal identity, heritage, mission, and advocacy.

What touched me most about our meeting time was each individual’s unwavering commitment to putting faith in action to change the world. Each person on this Team believes that through EYE’14, we are called to teach and equip teens for passionate discipleship.

Since the very first meeting we have been lifting up both the Core Values for EYE and the Five Marks of Mission as the foundation for building the event that the church expects us to host. As we have been exploring the opportunities for this particular event in the context of Philadelphia, and considering the teenagers we’re inviting to the event, the Five Marks of Mission continue to rise to the top as a priority.

Q. What is the mission of the Church?
A. The mission of the church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.

Q. How does the Church pursue its mission?
A. The Church pursues its mission as it prays and worships, proclaims the Gospel, and promotes justice, peace, and love.

Q. Through whom does the Church carry out its mission?
A. The Church carries out its mission through the ministry of all its members.

Book of Common Prayer, Catechism, p 855

Through much prayer, Scripture sharing, and discernment, the EYE’14 Mission Planning Team would like to announce the theme for the Philadelphia Event:

Marked for Mission.

Guided by our faith in Jesus and receiving our charge from the 5 Marks of Mission, EYE’14 is being designed to:

  • Tell the Good News,
  • Teach the Baptized,
  • Tend the needy,
  • Transform Injustice, and
  • Treasure Creation.

These young people clearly feel called to change the world.

I am eager to help them.

Will you?