EYE14: Liturgy & Music Committee report

by Thomas Alexander, EYE14 Mission Planning Team, Liturgy & Music Committee member 

I love working with the Episcopal Youth Event Liturgy & Music Committee.

We are all so different, literally stretching to every corner of the country, and we all have such unique experiences of God through worship, but somehow, we can joyfully come together and come up with some very exciting plans for the liturgical and musical experiences for EYE14.

This past week, we finalized our line-up for possible preachers and presiders, and are going to send the invitations out very soon.

We are also close to officially having our band for the event that will play at all of our services. We are expecting well over 1,000 people in attendance, so the services we’re planning must be on a huge scale. However, because the services are only an hour and a half, we must create them in such a way as to impact all who are in attendance.

We are having a great time incorporating our theme, “Marked for Mission.” We can’t wait to show you how we’ll do it in Villanova next Summer.