Youth Ministries

EYE14: 3 Days of Urban Mission Q & A

3 Days of Urban Mission will be held July 13 – 16, 2014 and is open to Episcopal Youth Event 2014 (EYE14) participants. Here are a few common questions we are receiving about 3 Days of Urban Mission.

The name references 3 days, but it appears to be only 2 days long.

3 Days of Urban Mission involves one day of moving to inner-city housing and in-house training and two days of working in the mission field. Travel days are Sunday morning, July 13 and Wednesday, July 16. 

Why does 3 Days of Urban Mission cost nearly the same as EYE14?

The primary charge associated with EYE14 and 3 Days of Urban Mission is lodging. In general, hosting these events in Philadelphia is more expensive than other potential sites due to population density and local economics. For example, adding an additional day of field work to 3 Days of Urban Mission would raise the cost of the event to nearly $350. The committee organizing 3 Days of Urban Mission made the decision to keep fees below $300 for this event. As much as possible, the EYE14 Mission Planning Team and DFMS staff are working diligently to keep participant costs as low as possible.

How do I register for 3 Days of Urban Mission?

Participants will register for 3 Days of Urban Mission on the EYE14 online registration form. Online registration will open January 6, 2014. Be aware that space in 3 Days of Urban Mission is limited to 250 participants. So register early!

Are the 3 Days of Mission sites affiliated with The Episcopal Church?

Yes, all sites participating in 3 Days of Urban Mission are related to the ongoing work of The Episcopal Church. Currently, the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania engages mission in the community through food pantries, after-school programming, schools, day camps, housing for the homeless, medical care and more. As part of the 3 Days of Urban Mission experience, participants will learn about the issues each organization is addressing and how their group’s work helps to further mission in that community.

I understand that Philadelphia grapples with ongoing issues of poverty. Why is this the case?

This is a complex issue that volumes could be written about – and probably have! Briefly, Philadelphia has lagged behind other Eastern Seaboard cities in terms of job creation and retention. Since 1970 Philadelphia has seen ongoing losses in the number of jobs available to its residents. In addition, Philadelphia’s public education system continually faces budget cuts that do not allow for adequate educational resources for the city’s schools. Like many cities in the United States, Philadelphia is working to address these issues but progress is slow and the work of many is required to help reverse these downward trends.

Want to know more about 3 Days of Urban Mission, download the full FAQ about EYE14 and 3 Days of Urban Mission.