Youth Ministries

Bring Back Our Girls

I give thanks for my friend and colleague, Roger Hutchison, from the Diocese of Upper South Carolina.

As I was feeling hopeless and anxious about the situation with the kidnapped schoolgirls in Nigeria, Roger’s reflection came across social media. He gave eloquent, passionate words to the roiling in my gut and the ache in my own heart. If you haven’t already read his reflection, I encourage you to do so. It begins like this:

We are in the fifty days of Easter, but I am having a hard time saying “Alleluia.”

We learned today that eight more girls were kidnapped from their school in Nigeria.  This adds to the 276 that we are aware of. Faces of grief, anger, and fear cover the screens of our televisions, computers, smart phones and Twitter feeds.  The angry reaction is palpable.

The social media world is buzzing.  Bring back our girls.


Read Roger’s full post, We need an alleluia, on the Episcopal News Service blog.

Just minutes ago, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori issued the following statement:

The Episcopal Church is horrified at the violence perpetrated against innocent schoolgirls in Nigeria, and the willingness of those who should be addressing this to look the other way. The unfortunate truth is that girls and women are still deemed dispensable in much of the world, or at least of lesser value than members of the other sex. The necessary response is education – of girls and boys, in equal numbers and to an equal degree, that all might take their rightful place in societies that serve all their citizens with equal respect and dignity. I pray that all Episcopalians, and all people of faith and good will, will pray and plead with their political leaders to find the kidnappers, liberate these girls, and restore them to the safety they deserve. May God have mercy on us all.

I invite you to join me – and Episcopalians across the globe – in prayer. And I encourage you to take whatever appropriate action available to you. I have signed an online petition and my praying will continue until the situation is resolved. I will also hold my children and godchildren and nieces and nephews just a little closer.

Thank you, Roger, for giving us the words we need when we need them.


