Youth Ministries

Are you called to apply for the EYE 2014 Mission Planning Team?

Just a few days ago this story was posted on Episcopal News Service: Florida teens inspired by inauguration, leadership conference.

In particular, this quote from 14-year-old Kerliee Neitastood out:

“I think that church is very important in our lives,” she said. “We all possess leadership qualities. People just have a hard time finding their leadership qualities and knowing how to use them.”

As we start to think toward the next Episcopal Youth Event, this is a meaningful reminder about the potential for transformation and leadership development that underlies events like EYE.

What makes EYE a life-changing experience? The hard work and guidance of a dedicated Mission Planning Team.

We are currently in the process of discerning the Mission Planning Team for the 2014 event. Youth and adults who serve on the Mission Planning Team must be mature individuals who take their Christian faith seriously, and are eager to take on a big job as a volunteer for the greater church. They will be leaders with passion and skill in the following mission areas: evangelism, service learning, cultural diversity, liturgy, music, teaching, spiritual practices, and pastoral care.

Do you know someone who might make a great member of the EYE 2014 Mission Planning Team? View the EYE Eligibility Guidelines. The application and nomination are here:

Questions regarding the application process should be directed to the Rev. Shannon Kelly ( ), Cookie Cantwell (, or the Rev. Earl Gibson ( Logistical questions regarding the on-line application form should be directed to Valerie Harris ( ) or by calling 1-800-334-7626 ext. 6099.

Filed under: Episcopal Youth Event