Youth Ministries

Apply to Serve on the EYE 2014 Mission Planning Team

We are delighted to announce that nominations to serve on the Episcopal Youth Event 2014 (EYE2014) Mission Planning Team are now being accepted through February 16.

EYE 2014 will be held in July 2014 at a location to be announced soon. In preparation for this exciting event, we are looking for leaders with passion and skill in the following mission areas: evangelism, service learning, cultural diversity, liturgy, music, teaching, spiritual practices, and pastoral care.

Youth and adult applicants must meet all eligibility guidelines. Both youth and adult applicants must submit an application as well as be nominated by an adult who is a Communicant in Good Standing in the Episcopal Church.

Questions regarding the application process should be directed to the Rev. Shannon Kelly ( ), Cookie Cantwell (, or the Rev. Earl Gibson ( Logistical questions regarding the on-line application form should be directed to Valerie Harris ( ) or by calling 1-800-334-7626 ext. 6099.

Filed under: Episcopal Youth Event