Occasionally I will post writings by youth, youth ministers and others across the Episcopal Church who have an important message to share. The posting below was written by Jeremiah Shipman, a 9th grader who participated in a recent Episcopal Docese of Kansas event, ADVENTure. Over the weekend, 40 youth and 12 adults gathered at Grace Cathedral  in Topeka to learn more about the season of Advent.

Here is Jeremiah’s reflection on the event:

ADVENTure was a great event.

Jocilyn and Cheyenne, two eighth graders and I, a ninth grader, came up with the idea the night after Fall Fun Festival, our fall youth event. We were talking about how much we were going to miss everyone, and decided that we needed to add a youth event for everyone between Miqra, our diocesan’s January event, and FFF. Our original plan was a more Christmas oriented event, but Steve Lipscomb, Dean of the cathedral, suggested that we change it to Advent.

I am really happy that we did, because Advent is a season that I didn’t know all that much about.

Throughout ADVENTure I learned many things. One was that originally, Advent was a penitential season, a lot like Lent.

Another was that Saint Nicholas punched an Egyptian Bishop for saying that Jesus Christ was not God.

I really enjoyed all of ADVENTure. 

I do not believe that I could choose just one activity to call my favorite. The speakers were great, and the family time was awesome. Playing ultimate frisbee wearing a suit jacket was incredibly fun, as was making “gingerbread” houses. The dance party was great, with people having more fun than if it was a plain dance. Compline was awesome, like usual. The best part was probably seeing everybody, they are all such amazing people.

Filed under: Advent