Youth Ministries

About Youth Ministries

“Youth Ministry calls for passion, patience, and faithfulness.  We point out the sacred in the midst of the chaos of adolescence. We walk faithfully with young people as they transition from child to young adult.  Youth ministry is a bridging ministry of education, connection, formation and hopefully, transformation.” – Bronwyn Clark Skov

Youth Ministries of the Episcopal Church is an office that strives to equip, empower, and connect adults who work with youth across all nine provinces of our faith tradition. Our office coordinates a triennial Episcopal Youth Event and the General Convention Official Youth Presence; both canonically mandated events in the life of the church.

My name is Bronwyn Clark Skov and I currently serve as the Officer for Youth Ministries and Team Leader for the Formation and Vocation Ministries Team for the Episcopal Church. Our office is organized as a network of faithful missioners comprised of youth and adults, paid staff and volunteers, clergy and lay persons. Welcome to the EpiscoYouth Network!

Our Network
There are nine Provincial Youth Ministry Coordinators who serve as the communication hubs and network organizers in their respective provinces. They also gather with me to help support the work of this office. We convene a Youth Ministry Council who serves as a council of advice for the office and as experts in youth ministry church wide.

Our Team
As part of a team that embraces lifelong learning, leadership development, and vocational discernment I get to collaborate and coordinate with my colleagues in Lifelong Christian Formation and in Young Adult Leadership and Vocations.

The Youth Ministries Office is a consistent collaborator with several groups including forma(formerly NAECED), Episcopal Camps and Conference Centers, the Nathan Network, Church Publishing Group, and the National Council of Churches Ecumenical Youth Ministries Staff Team.

The personal edge of my ministry as your denominational staff person is to pray for you, encourage you, connect you with the people and resources you need, and tell the story of your transformational ministry to the rest of the church. I am your advocate and your cheerleader.

I would love to hear from you in times triumphant, and times of tribulation. I would love to connect with youth ministers and youth at provincial and diocesan events. I am happy to serve as a workshop leader, process facilitator, keynoter or preacher.

Look me up and share your story Bronwyn Clark SkovFaceBook, or phone (646-242-1421).

I look forward to when our paths cross, hopefully sooner than later.