Youth Ministries

21st Century Faith Formation trainings upcoming

We received emails yesterday announcing the upcoming training sessions for 21st Century Faith Formation, featuring the leadership of John Roberto (LifelongFaith Associates & Vibrant Faith Ministries) and guest presenters Leif Kehrwald and Anna Rendell (Vibrant Faith Ministries).

The Episcopal Church has been partnering with John Roberto on several strategic initiatives in Lifelong Faith Formation. We are also hearing great reviews of this particular continuing education opportunity. Check it out! And if you do, send us your best learning as a guest blogger!

The Vision and Practice of 21st Century Faith Formation is a three-day interactive educational program for pastors, faith formation leaders, and staff in all Christian congregations.

  • Understand the new context of faith formation and the diverse religious and spiritual needs of all generations
  • Understand the emerging vision of 21st century learning and faith formation in a connected, networked, digital world
  • Discover a variety of 21st century approaches and resources for faith formation in the congregation, at home, and online
  • Learn how to design faith formation that addresses the religious and spiritual needs of all ages and generations, and uses the new digital media and web technologies
  • Develop the skills for becoming a learning architect and faith formation curator

Remaining dates are:

  • January 29-31, 2013, Dallas – Ft. Worth, TX
  • February 25-27, 2013, Denver, CO
  • March 5-7, 2013, Seattle, WA
  • March 11-13, 2013, San Diego, CA
  • March 14-16, 2013, San Jose, CA

Registration is $295 tuition + $60 for lunch & refreshments per person and $195 tuition + $60 for lunch & refreshments for each additional person from the same organization.

Filed under: Trainings