Young Adult and Campus Ministry

Why Serve Conference 2012: Christopher Palma

November 10, 2014
Young Adult and Campus Ministries

This conference has made me understand so much more about being Episcopalian and learning the history of how our cultures got involved and where we are now.

From this experience I can see that young adult ministry is so important to the growth of the church. The way I see it, being a youth you learn about who you are and the love that is all around you. You have events that teach you about your spirituality and the identity of the church.

But as young adults, we are thrown into the world with a new sense of freedom that you can do anything, but you lose your spiritual side because you lose your guidance from your youth ministers.

We have to put as much emphasis in the young adult ministry or even more because this is the age that we can DO something. This has been a great experience and we need more of this in our church.

Chris will be entering Missouri State University in Springfield this fall as a freshman. He will also be working with the Episcopal Campus Ministry at MSU.

Filed under: Why Serve, Young Adults