Water and the West: An EcoJustice Immersion Experience for Young Adults

When: November 1-3, 2013
Where: Cathedral Ridge, Woodland Park, Colorado
Cost: $200, including lodging, food, and transportation during the event (transporation to and from the event are on your own)

In the Christian story and our earthly pilgrimage, water is a source of life and an instrument of death. We are born into new life in Christ through our baptism, even as we remember God’s great flood that nearly destroyed all life. Water grows our food and provides for our sanitation, while also wrecking our homes and fostering pestilence.

Today, the issue of water and our accessibility to it is a primary conversation in political, economic, environmental, and sociological arenas in the United States and throughout the world.  And these conversations are volatile ones given water’s limited supply and the powers that demand it.

The western United States are no stranger to the tension caused by the life-cycle of water. The river headwaters of the mountains and the deep-set aquifers of its plains supply life to over half the nation. As the demand for water grows, so do the questions regarding its just use and allocation, and the tension of life and death issues for local communities.

Therefore, the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado invites young adults ages 18-35 to join in a gathering of meaningful prayer, conversation, teaching, and experience in exploring the justice of water accessibility as informed by our Christian heritage and environmental context.  This weekend event will include worship in the Episcopal tradition, a day-long field trip through the San Louis Valley and Front Range regions of Southern Colorado, and the sharing of local and gathered wisdom in developing and advocating for creative eco-justice work in a world desperate for it.

This EcoJustice Immersion Event takes place Friday, November 1, starting at 5:00pm, through Sunday, November 3, ending at 12:00pm. The cost of $200 per person covers all lodging, food, transportation during the event (not travel to and from the event), and program costs.

To register, click here and submit your registration by October 4, 2013.

For more information about the EcoJustice Immersion Experience in Colorado, please contact The Rev. Catie Greene at cgreene@coloradodiocese.org or 303-837-1173.