Storytelling Project: Stories of Transformation

Episcopal Story Project: Stories of Transformation

The Episcopal Story Project is nurturing the art of storytelling amongst young adults across the Episcopal Church. This year of curating stories across the Church, will culminate at General Convention. Submissions will be received by phone following the directions below. Over the next year, opportunities will be provided to share these stories at live events across the church. These live events will be recorded and distributed through the Episcopal Young Adult & Campus Ministries website and social media properties. The best storytellers will be invited to share their stories at an event at General Convention. Submissions will be considered based upon the criteria listed below.



  1. Call (971) 317-8679

  2. At the tone, leave us your pitch to a 2-minute maximum, keep your story brief

  3. First, share your name, email, story title and name of your diocese

  4. Tell us your story

  5. Speak loudly and clearly


Theme: Stories of transformation



  1. Be brief and concise

  2. Keep it personal and truthful

  3. Stick to the theme–tell us who/what/how you have been chan ged

  4. Don’t be the hero of your own story


Jason Evans kicks off the Storytelling Project at Kindling this summer: