Young Adult and Campus Ministry

Rosie Dickson

November 10, 2014
Young Adult and Campus Ministries

I’m Rosie Dickson and will be travelling from Scotland to join everyone at the Young Adult Festival. I’m a student nurse at Robert Gordon’s University in Aberdeen and have just completed my second year of training. A good friend of mine suggested I join her at the YAF because I was involved in the International Anglican Youth Network’s presence at last years Lambeth Conference in Canterbury. While there I met some wonderful Christians from across the world and hope to do the same this summer in Anaheim. I love the diversity of the Episcopal Church and think it is wonderful to have such a big event specifically for “the youth” running alongside the General Convention. I look forward to the discussions that will be had, the friendships that will be and most of all the fellowship shared with those from across the USA and the world.

Posted in Young Adult Festival