Young Adult and Campus Ministry

Register Now for Why Serve 2014

November 10, 2014
Young Adult and Campus Ministries
Why Serve
June 5-8
Church Divinity School of the Pacific
Cost: $70, covers lodging, meals, and materials

Young Adults (age 18-30) from the Asian, Black, Indigenous, and Latino/Hispanic communities of The Episcopal Church, the Lutheran Church, and churches in communion with The Episcopal Church will gather in the summer of 2014 for five days of fellowship, training, discernment, self-care, fun, and laughter as they explore this question: Why Serve?

Wherever you are on your journey, young adulthood is a time of transition and choices, but you don’t have to do it alone. You will be among friends.

So whether you feel called to be a priest, a vestry member, a nurse, a father, a cook, or a comedian; whether you’re in school, working, or just in-between; whether you’re a regular church-goer, a used-to-goer, or a seeker, we hope you’ll join us for this transformative experience.

Together we’ll engage questions like:

The New Community

The face of our church is changing, and we are being made new. How do we renew ourselves as leaders and celebrate our diversity and commonality?


What does it look like to be a young adult Episcopalian of color? What does it mean for you to embrace your evolving and complex identity as a child of God?

Register online now.

The deadline for registration is May 5. This event is limited to 70 participants on a first-come, first served basis, so register early.

Why Serve 2014 is sponsored by the Diversity & Ethnic Ministries Offices of The Episcopal Church:

For more information, contact Angie Cabanban.

Filed under: Latest Post, Why Serve