One last scholarship opportunity for the Young Adult Festival (Respond by Monday)

Want to get a behind the scenes look at advocacy at the Episcopal Church’s triennial General Convention? One last great opportunity to intern with an organization as part of the Young Adult Festival has opened up. The Chicago Consultation is looking for two young adults (ages 18-30) to join them in advocacy during General Convention 2012, July 5-10 in Indianapolis, IN. (If you are selected as an intern, the Chicago Consultation will cover your registration costs.)

The Chicago Consultation, a group of Episcopal and Anglican bishops, clergy and lay people, supports the full inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) Christians in the Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion.  The Chicago Consultation works with other advocacy groups to advance the movement towards same-sex blessings, affirm GLBT people in all orders of ministry, and forge relationships with Christians across the Anglican Communion to deepen the conversation on the topic of sexuality and justice.  At General Convention, you will interact with leaders from across the church and Anglican Communion, talk with bishops, deputies and attendees about the church’s call to  full inclusion, assist at special events and the exhibit booth, and help track legislation.

In addition, you will have full access to the Young Adult Festival, including 5 nights housing, two receptions, daily breakfast, briefings and worship, a celebratory dinner, a visitor’s pass to GC and, of course, the company of other young adults with whom to experience Convention.

If you are interested in this exciting opportunity, please contact Jason Sierra in the Episcopal Church office for Young Adult and Campus Ministries at jsierra@episcopalchurch.org no later than Monday, April 9 with your name, diocese, phone number, and two paragraphs answering the following questions: How would partnering with these organizations further your ministry/vocational goals? and Describe any relevant experience including current church engagement.

Filed under: Young Adult Festival