Young Adult and Campus Ministry

Focus on the Work of YASC for World Mission Sunday

November 10, 2014
Young Adult and Campus Ministries


This upcoming Sunday, March 2, is World Mission Sunday in The Episcopal Church.

Traditionally celebrated on the last Sunday after Epiphany, the purpose of World Mission Sunday is to focus on the global impact of the Baptismal Covenant’s call to “seek and serve Christ in all persons” (Book of Common Prayer, p. 305), and to raise our awareness of the many ways in which the Episcopal Church participates in God’s mission around the world.

One important component of the Episcopal Church’s mission efforts is Young Adult Service Corps (YASC).

The Young Adult Service Corps brings adults, ages 21 to 30, into the life of the worldwide Anglican Communion and into the daily work of a local community.  At the same time, it brings the gifts and resources of the church into the lives of young adults as they explore their own faith journeys.

At this moment, these missionaries, affectionately known as YASCers, are deployed across the globe in places like Haiti, Philippines, and Honduras. Read blogs from YASCers here:


You can find out more about about YASC by viewing the video above and visiting the website. Applications are no longer being accepted for 2014 but now is the time to begin to consider applying for the 2015 program year.

Filed under: Latest Post, YASC