Apply to be on a CCAB!

The Episcopal Church needs YOUR voice! Nominate yourself or someone else to serve on a churchwide committee, commission agency or board this triennium. Applications are open to lay and clergy members of the Episcopal Church. Committees cover a variety of topics including women’s rights, social justice, liturgy and music, communications, health, world mission and many others. A great way to get involved, learn more about the incredible work of the Episcopal Church, and bring your gifts to the service of the wider body. Deadline for nominations is August 1.

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Here is a list of the CCAB’s you can be nominated for:

SC means Standing Commission, ECC means Executive Council Committee
SC/Anglican & International Peace with Justice Concerns 1st Choice
SC/Communication & Information Technology
SC/Constitution & Canons
SC/Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations
SC/Lifelong Christian Formation & Education
SC/Liturgy & Music
SC/Ministry Development
SC/Mission & Evangelism
SC/Small Congregations
SC/Social Justice & Public Policy
SC/Stewardship & Development
SC/World Mission
ECC/Corporate Social Responsibility
ECC/Economic Justice Loan
ECC/Episcopal News Service Advisory
ECC/Indigenous Ministries
ECC/Jubilee Ministry Advisory
ECC/Science, Technology & Faith
ECC/Status of Women
Task Force/Older Adult Ministries


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