Building Intentional Small Groups

Resources for creating an intentional small group ministry in your congregation

The purpose of an intentional faith-based small group is to build trusting relationships with God and one another. When we meet each other for conversation, practice, and prayer, we learn how to love. Call it a small group, discipleship circle, neighborhood group, life group or cell gathering – whatever the name, a small group provides space for prayerful support and accountability as we seek to live the Jesus Way. 

Your small group may be a new discipleship group or you may decide to add a new level of intention to a circle like the vestry, Bible study, youth group, altar guild, choir, or chapters of the Episcopal Church Women, the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, or Daughters of the King. The goal is to open the door for God to work on us, in us, and through us, in powerful ways in the context of a small, intentional, dedicated group of disciples. 

Here you will find a variety of resources to help you build these groups – with great intention and purpose – for your context.

Building an Intentional Small Group Ministry

Resources for The Episcopal Church

How to Host a Small Group

PDF Infographic

How to Host a Small Group

PNG Infographic

Living the Way of Love in Community

9-Session Small Group Curriculum

Way of Love Info-graphic postcard

Way of Love Social Media Graphic

A Way of Love Rhythm for Small Groups

Way of Love practices flourish in community. Use this guide to create an intentional Way of Love-infused structure for your small group gatherings.

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