Over the past few months, we’ve received quite a bit of feedback that many of our UTO coordinators want to come to Austin, Texas, for the UTO events at General Convention, even if they are not a deputy or delegate. As always, we warmly welcome all our UTO members to our UTO events. This year, all UTO events are taking place within a condensed schedule so it is more convenient and easier to attend without having to be at Convention for its full duration. All UTO events will take place between Thursday, July 5, and Sunday, July 8. We recommend arriving in the evening of July 4 and leaving the morning of July 9. We’ve created a pre-convention packet with the schedule of UTO events, workshop offerings, and special events you won’t want to miss. Additionally, we’ve included information on how to register as a visitor, which is the most cost-effective way to attend General Convention for the UTO events. Unfortunately, at this time, we are unable to assist anyone with housing requests, as it is always at a premium near the convention center during General Convention, nor do we offer any financial assistance for UTO members to attend. There’s a form that we ask you to fill out (even if you are coming as a deputy or delegate) so we know whom to expect and to help us populate our new database. Please fill out the form by May 14. We’ll then send a follow-up packet to everyone who has registered. When you fill out the form, you’ll automatically be entered into a raffle for a prize – it’s our way to thank you for taking the time to help us update our records. Thank you for being a part of UTO and the UTO events at General Convention. We can’t wait to see you!

UTO Pre-Convention Packet Now Available!
by United Thank Offering
Categories: General Convention 2018
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