Updates on the 2024 Grant Process

By Sherri Dietrich, UTO Board President

United Thank Offering Grants

Nov. 14, 2023 from 7-8p Eastern– Open Office Hours, come with questions and get help! 
Register Here

Dec. 7, 12-1 p.m. or 7-8 p.m. Eastern – Open Office Hours. Come with questions and get help! 
Noon registration
7 p.m. registration

The grant process is wrapping up very early in 2024, so now is the time to really think through getting a draft of your application submitted for review. Just a reminder, our staff person will be out of the office Thanksgiving week and beginning December 18, so please try to turn in your drafts before Advent begins. For those of you needing help with translation, or if you are applying from the Anglican Communion, please get your draft in by Dec. 1 using this link.

1. Sign up to join open office hours on Nov. 14 or Dec. 7. We’ll answer general questions, or if you want to work on your application, you’ll get invited into a breakout room with a UTO grant committee member to work one on one. This is a great chance to get your questions answered or review what you’ve started. 

2. The grant committee created a series of short videos to help people interested in applying for a UTO grant. The videos cover different aspects of the application process. You can find those videos at www.unitedthankoffering.com/apply or a longer presentation on applying for a UTO grant at www.episcopalchurch.org/uto.

3. In September we hosted a webinar on different grant opportunities available. Find that recording at www.unitedthankoffering.com/webinar.