Upcoming Deadlines for the 2022 Ingathering

By Kathy Mank, UTO Board Financial Secretary

It’s December. It’s the coming of the calendar year-end on New Year’s Eve while we are celebrating Jesus’ birth, God’s greatest gift to the world, for 12 days.  We enjoy preparing for our celebrations and wait with anticipation and with gratitude.

Similarly, the United Thank Offering prepares for the gifts of our thankfulness and gratitude to God for all that we have. We wait with anticipation for the tangible expressions of thankfulness that will continue the cycle of gratitude through monetary grants to ministries throughout the Anglican Communion. The 2023 grant cycle will fund innovative mission and ministries addressing the worldwide incarceration crisis. We await the opportunity to participate in making a difference in the lives of marginalized people.

We depend upon your tangible offerings to accomplish this work. For check donations, please mail your offerings as close to Dec. 8 as possible to be counted in the 2022 Ingathering, which is granted in 2023. The address for checks is:  

United Thank Offering, DFMS – Protestant Episcopal Church US
P.O. Box 958983
St. Louis, MO  63195-8983.  

For online donations, please visit www.unitedthankoffering.com/give and complete your transactions by Dec. 28 to allow for processing time. Text to give: INGATHER to 41444 up to Dec. 28 as well. 

Thank you to our diocesan and parish coordinators who are working tirelessly to spread the message of gratitude for the United Thank Offering. Thank you all for your caring and excitement about funding ministries related to the worldwide incarceration crisis. We can’t wait.