united thank offering

Upcoming Dates, Deadlines, and Surveys

Upcoming Important Grant Process Dates

  • 2019 Young Adult and Seminarian (YAS) Grant Process: All materials for this grant process will be available on the first Friday of August and due on the first Friday of November, so mark your calendars!
  • 2019 Annual Grant Process: All materials will be available on the first Friday in December and due on the first Friday of March.


As we begin a new triennium, the United Thank Offering Board has launched a new membership database to help us better track and support parishes, dioceses, and coordinators throughout the UTO membership structure. We also want to learn more about what is happening on the ground, so we’ve created a survey to learn more about your experience leading and participating in UTO. Please click on this link https://dfms.formstack.com/forms/uto_self_study to fill out the survey. It will be available until December 1, 2018.

UTO Database

At General Convention, we launched our brand-new membership database. Thank you to everyone who has already uploaded their current information! This database will help us track what congregations are participating in UTO and better communicate with members and leaders. With that said, the database is only as good as the data in it, so we need your help to keep it current. Please use this link to upload your information or update it whenever there are any changes in your life or in the leadership of UTO in your parish or diocese. Please follow this link to register and/or update your information: https://unitedthankoffering.membershiptoolkit.com/login?r=%2Fdirectory.

UTO Materials in Spanish

As we head toward General Convention, we wanted to check in about the need for Spanish language materials. In 2015, we received the feedback that it was cost prohibitive to ship materials to dioceses outside the United States, so we began to offer materials in Spanish that could be downloaded and printed locally. Each General Convention is an opportunity for us to review our materials and see how we can better meet the needs of our members. Given that, we’ve created a survey to find out what materials you’d like to have in Spanish and what format you would like them in. This survey will be open through August 15, so please share it with anyone who might need or use UTO materials in Spanish. At the end of July, we’ll process the results of the survey and begin translating and producing materials in Spanish. Please follow this link https://goo.gl/forms/A2QLL5m9QD5T7ZXu1 and let us know how we can best support you!