United Thank Offering

Transitions on the UTO Staff

June 15, 2023
United Thank Offering

By Isabelle Watkins, UTO Administrative Associate 

With a grateful heart, my time on staff at UTO is coming to an end. I have absolutely loved getting to know, serve, and support each one of you as we worked together to uplift UTO and the mission of gratitude throughout the church and beyond. I am so grateful for the memories I’ve made, the things I’ve learned, and the people I’ve met through UTO! I will cherish it all, and I know I will carry UTO with me forever. While I am stepping away on staff to pursue what is best for me and my career path, I’m certain that I’ll remain actively engaged in UTO—it’s not a goodbye, but a see-you-soon. ❤

I would like to thank each and every one of you for constantly extending grace and care to me throughout my four years at UTO. UTO would not at all be the same without the amazing leaders and members we have—you are what makes UTO work! You are doing amazing things by spreading grateful hearts throughout the church, even as we continue to adjust to this post-pandemic world. I am so grateful for all of you and our time together.

Note from Heather: On behalf of the UTO Board, I want to add our note of gratitude for Isabelle and her work. Isabelle picked up and figured out tasks to help keep the work of UTO going and expanded it; she started as an intern and then joined the staff in the midst of the pandemic, and her time with us has been a gift. We are all very grateful to her and wish her the very best. 

The Rev. Cn.
Heather Melton

Staff Officer for the United Thank Offering

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