united thank offering

The Inaugural Great EpisGOpal Race Results!

By: The UTO Board and Staff

Thank you to everyone who participated in the UTO EpisGOpal Race, either by moving your body or by donating. We couldn’t have done it without you! We loved seeing pictures and videos of 297 Episcopalians skating, swimming, hiking, biking, doing aikido, and so much more. Together, we raised $1,305 for Thunderhead Episcopal Camp in the Diocese of South Dakota and $20,266 for COVID-19 UTO Grants! That means two seed-level grants will be funded solely from the miles we put in together during this virtual race. THANK YOU. We are so grateful for you and your dedication to UTO, making sure that your blessing goes on to bless others.

A couple of announcements to end this race. First off, we look forward to doing another race next year, so if you loved this race, know it will happen again. If you ordered a shirt before July 21, it should be arriving the first week of August. If you ordered after that, it should arrive by August 20 from Custom Ink. If you would like the image of Jesus running on other items, you can purchase those at here, and the proceeds will go toward the UTO Ingathering supporting grants focused on COVID-19.

Now, to announce some winners!

Two people who registered for the race were chosen to receive a copy of our race ambassadors’ book – congratulations to Lucy McDonnell, Diocese of Ohio, and Andrew Bowie Hagan, Diocese of Atlanta! Your books are in the mail with a few other UTO items.

Congratulations to Kathy Lennox from the Diocese of Oregon, who wins for the best race video, and to Dorian Del Priore from the Diocese of Upper South Carolina for best picture! You both are receiving a UTO prize pack and autographed books in the mail.

Finally, a huge thank you to Joanna Lee, Diocese of California, for being our top individual fundraiser and to St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Upper South Carolina for being our top team fundraiser! Be on the lookout in the mail for your prizes! (St. Martin’s, we’ve got something in there for each of you!)

Thank you to everyone who was a part of this event. There are two congregations out there who will soon find out that they have funds to meet the needs of their community thanks to you. We are humbled and grateful for all of you that were a part of this race, and we give thanks for you.