united thank offering

The Great EpisGOpal Race is Back!

The Great EpisGOpal Race is back, and you have the first chance to register! This year, UTO is partnering with Episcopal Migration Ministries to race in gratitude for our bodies, environments, communities, and neighbors. Proceeds will support both the 2022 United Thank Offering (UTO) Ingathering and Episcopal Migration Ministries’ (EMM) Neighbor to Neighbor program—founded through funding from a UTO grant. Neighbor to Neighbor trains and provides supports to faith communities who serve as sponsors for new refugee neighbors.

As a UTO member, you’re invited for an exclusive, early-bird registration. Registration is open to the public June 1st, but you’re invited to register now! Participants can register for $15, choosing their preferred mode (run, bike, swim, hike, paddle board, martial arts, etc.), distance, and type of race, including a 1-mile fun run, 5K, 10K, half-marathon, marathon, and “choose your own adventure.”