United Thank Offering

The Great EpisGOpal Race Begins Nov. 5!

November 2, 2021
United Thank Offering

By Isabelle Watkins, UTO administrative assistant

ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO! The Great EpisGOpal Race is officially on, starting Nov. 5! From Nov. 5–14, you can race however and whenever YOU choose. By participating in the race, you are directly supporting the United Thank Offering Ingathering and creation care grants and Sawyerville, a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama that creates opportunities for youth. 

We invite you to go in gratitude. Think about all that you are grateful for as you participate in the race. Your body and your health that allows you to participate. The fresh air you breathe. Your sneakers that support you. The sun as it shines, providing you with light, warmth, and essential vitamins. Your friends or family who are racing alongside of you. You access to clean drinking water when you need to cool down. The endless number of gifts that you have received from God.

By participating in the Great EpisGOpal Race, your gratitude is made tangible. The registration fee and any additional fundraising will directly support grants for missions and ministries of The Episcopal Church that are working to promote care of creation. So, grab your friends, grab your sneakers, and let’s go together in gratitude!

For more information and to register, visit unitedthankoffering.org/race

The Rev. Cn.
Heather Melton

Staff Officer for the United Thank Offering

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