Thank you for being a part of the Great EpisGOpal Race!
By Isabelle Watkins, UTO administrative assistant

Thank You!
A HUGE thank you to all who participated in the 2021 Great EpisGOpal Race! One hundred individuals from 22 states came together to go in gratitude and raise nearly $8,000 for UTO and Sawyerville! While this race doesn’t technically have any winners, we want to acknowledge a few people for going above and beyond this year:
Becky Szabo, Diocese of West Virginia, for being the top UTO fundraiser!
Eva Castellanos, Diocese of Los Angeles, for being the top Sawyerville fundraiser!
St. Martin’s in the Fields, Diocese of Upper South Carolina, for logging the most team miles!
J Laurence Butcher, Diocese of Rio Grande, for logging the most individual miles!
Some of you have expressed interest in purchasing a UTO suncatcher made by Blenko Glass (which was used in place of a medal for running the race) even if you did not sign up for the race. We do have a limited amount available. If you would like one, please make a donation online of $40 or more to the Ingathering and put “suncatcher” in the memo line. We will send them until we run out. They make great Christmas presents and ornaments, so if you’d like more than one, please email me.