United Thank Offering

Save the Date: Tuesday, Oct. 22, at 1 p.m. Eastern

September 5, 2024
United Thank Offering

UTO Fall Webinar: ‘Gratitude Comes Full Circle: A Conversation Between Grant Recipients Creating Welcome for the LGTBQ+ Community’

Save the date for our fall webinar featuring two 2024 grant sites: Shepherd’s Table in South Dakota, and People are Made to Shine! from Recife, Brazil. This conversation will be hosted by Heather Melton, UTO staff officer, and moderated by Aaron Scott, gender justice officer for The Episcopal Church. 

In 2024, UTO awarded a grant to the Episcopal Diocese of South Dakota for the Shepherd’s Table, which seeks to be a place for all people to experience belonging and to be welcomed at Christ’s table with no exclusion for who they are or who they love. At Shepherd’s Table, people have a safe space to be fed physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

UTO also awarded a grant to the Diocese of Recife in Brazil. The objective of “People are made to shine!” is to offer food, as well as social, educational, psychological, health, and pastoral assistance, to vulnerable members of the LGBTQ+ population, especially unhoused transgender people.

You can register for the event here and a zoom link will be sent in October.

The Rev. Cn.
Heather Melton

Staff Officer for the United Thank Offering

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