United Thank Offering

Request for Prayers for the 2018 UTO Prayer Booklet

June 6, 2017
United Thank Offering

As you may know, every three years, the United Thank Offering gathers original prayers from around The Episcopal Church to create a pocket book of prayers that is available at General Convention. Last Convention, we were able to collect 125 prayers of gratitude in honor of 125 years of the United Thank Offering. This year, we are hoping to collect original prayers from nine categories: gratitude, guidance, fear/danger, forgiveness, healing, loneliness, crisis/dealing with disappointment or crisis, love of God, and other. Children, women, men, clergy, seminarians, and groups may write prayers for this edition of the booklet. We welcome prayers from every diocese and province of The Episcopal Church. Prayers can be submitted in any language and in any format – collect, litany, free form, or prose. We encourage you to listen to the Holy Spirit and write a prayer to be used throughout the Church by individuals, for the beginning or closing of meetings, or in a variety of settings.

Please submit all prayers by July 1, 2017. All prayers must be submitted using our webpage. More information about the project can also be found there.

The Rev. Cn.
Heather Melton

Staff Officer for the United Thank Offering

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