United Thank Offering

Read Along with UTO: Dare to Lead by Brené Brown

October 29, 2018
United Thank Offering

As many of you know, I am a big fan of Brené Brown and her teaching on shame, resilience, vulnerability, and gratitude. I find it helpful and challenging. (I’ve even taken her online parenting class, which was really useful.) Dr. Brown, an Episcopalian, has come out with a new book that looks at how we lead. Since many of us are leaders in our churches, in our communities, or within UTO, I felt like this would be a great book to read and then discuss together as a group via Zoom. The book is just under 300 pages, and I know we all read at different rates, so go get the book today and then we’ll gather in January to discuss it. I look forward to reading the book and hearing your thoughts! If you aren’t familiar with Brené Brown, be sure to check out her TED Talks to get you started.

The Rev. Cn.
Heather Melton

Staff Officer for the United Thank Offering

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