united thank offering

New UTO Materials and Digital Resources

By UTO Board and staff

It has been a very busy summer in the UTO “office,” and we are so excited to share with you some of the things we’ve been working on over the summer. If you have any questions or need any help finding anything, let Heather or Isabelle know.

Updated www.unitedthankoffering.org — check it out!
We are so excited to share with you our newly updated webpage. We’ve organized it into broader categories and streamlined the materials. 

Just a reminder that anything currently happening with UTO is always available at www.episcopalchurch.org/uto.From there, you can scroll to the bottom and click on the resources tab to access UTO materials or videos. This houses all our UTO resources (most are downloadable; some are available in print from the distribution center), including ones available in Spanish. 

New materials in the distribution center
If you ordered materials over the summer, they should have arrived by the time you are reading this.  If you need new printed materials, please be in touch with Paula at the distribution center via the website. With that said, here are the new printed resources:

  1. Overview brochure (introductory brochure about UTO and gratitude)
  2. 2021 UTO Grant brochure/poster
  3. UTO posters in English and Spanish
  4. UTO prayer cards in English and Spanish (great to use as bookmarks!)
  5. UTO prayer booklet
  6. Liturgy booklet
  7. Memorial Trust Fund brochure
  8. Coin purses
  9. Magnets
  10. Stickers
  11. Notecards
  12. Thank-you cards

We also have new videos in production, an updated history of UTO in the works, and many more things coming your way over the next few months. With that said, if you don’t see something you need, please let us know. If you see something you really like and want it in Spanish (some materials are in Spanish but not all) let us know that as well. We hope that all these materials inspire and uplift the work of UTO in your context.