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New Book Release: ‘Sober Spirituality’

We know many of you love the UTO liturgy booklet created by the Rev. Erin Jean Warde as a consultant to UTO, which is why we are pleased to let you know that her first book is available this month! Here’s the blurb about her book:

When author and Episcopal priest Erin Jean Warde quit drinking, she heard from many others in a similar situation seeking support. In “Sober Spirituality,” she combines personal storytelling with theological reflection to offer encouragement, wisdom, and practical insight for readers who want to reexamine their relationship with alcohol.

Warde explores the way our culture promotes alcohol consumption and shows how we can choose to change our perception of alcohol in our spiritual communities. She names not only the challenges of sobriety and spirituality but also the tremendous gifts and blessings that come through quitting drinking or being more mindful about alcohol use.

Readers will emerge with a deeper understanding of how their faith informs daily habits and choices. “Sober Spirituality” also calls the church to a better understanding of how it can ally with recovery communities. Ultimately, this book declares we are all worthy of an abundant and joyful life in mind, body, and soul.

You can order a copy of the book here and look for an upcoming chance to meet the author and discuss the book with UTO!