Midyear Ingathering Update and Goals for the Triennium

During General Convention, we provided those who participated in the UTO Ingathering with a list of all of the donations received so far for 2018. We also took time to remind people that the sooner they can send in any UTO funds, the better we can determine where the Ingathering is for the year and the more we can contribute to earning interest. Thank you to everyone who has heeded the call to turn in funds as soon as you receive them! We’ve compiled our annual chart to show how 2018 is shaping up compared to previous years. (Lists of individual donors are available by request from the diocese.)

For this triennium, we would like to make a goal to get the total Ingathering to $4 million. This means we would need to raise about $100,000 extra per year. (We need $261,010.53 more this triennium then last to reach this goal.) We need your help to get all of the great new resources out to congregations in your diocese and to really encourage folks to reflect and give thanks through UTO. And don’t forget that people can give online or via the Blue Box app!

To see the full chart showing Ingathering amounts by diocese and province since 2000, please visit https://unitedthankoffering.com/ingathering/.

Categories: UTO ingathering