united thank offering

Julia Chester Emery Feast Day Celebration

By Sherri Dietrich, UTO Board President

Tuesday, Jan. 9, at 7 p.m. Eastern
Register here

January 9 is the feast day of Julia Chester Emery, founder of the United Thank Offering, and this year we are celebrating the life and ministry of Miss Julia with Kristen Wheeler of Ministry of the Saints: Modern Iconography. Kristen created one of the Julia Chester Emery Icons (shown here) that has become beloved by UTO members. As part of her process of creating the icon, Kristen spent time researching, praying, and reflecting on the life and work of Julia Chester Emery. She’ll join us to share more about her process of creating the icon, the symbols found in it, and about her research into Miss Julia. Kristen is also hard at work on the UTO history brochure that we will release at General Convention in 2024, so this is a great time to come and learn, share, and celebrate the life of Saint Julia Chester Emery, without whom UTO would not exist.

This gathering is planned to be 90 minutes and will be a great opportunity to remember and learn more about Julia Chester Emery and icons. The last 30 minutes of our time will be for questions and answers about Kristen’s icons, including but not limited to Miss Julia’s, so come with your questions about any of the saints Kristen has studied and written an icon for or might have on her list. You can find out more about Kristen and this webinar at www.unitedthankoffering.com/jce.