United Thank Offering

Internship Year Two: Boston

August 24, 2020
United Thank Offering

By: Isabelle Watkins, Julia Chester Emery Intern

Moving halfway across the country during a global pandemic? Sure, why not.

While the circumstances, of course, are not ideal, I am ever grateful to continue my second year with UTO in Boston with the Diocese of Massachusetts and the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. Boston is by far the biggest and most northern place I have ever lived and let me tell you – I am loving it! In my month with the cathedral, I have felt a strong sense of welcome from the staff, volunteers, and members of the various congregations. My time there has been spent helping share the story of the cathedral and assisting with MANNA, a ministry of and with the homeless community in downtown Boston. In the days that I am not spending at the cathedral or working with UTO, I have been getting to know the city and pursuing my love of history in and around Boston. I am constantly enlivened by the history of this place, and I am so grateful to call it home.

The Rev. Cn.
Heather Melton

Staff Officer for the United Thank Offering

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