united thank offering

In Case You Missed It…

Congratulations to Wendy P. from Rochester, New York! She’s the lucky winner in our Puzzle Design process! Thank you to everyone who submitted puzzles, puzzle ideas, and so forth. This fall, we’ll have new UTO games as resources available for you to use in your parish!

2019-2020 Internship Applications Now Available
We are pleased to announce the continuation of our Julia Chester Emery Internship program for the 2019-2020 school year. The internship was started five years ago when the Board recognized a deep need in the Church for the support and encouragement of young women in their 20s who love the Church and are discerning where God is calling them next in their lives. Also, it honors the long legacy of UTO missionaries who have been supported through the granting process. We have been blessed with four amazing interns and are excited about who might be joining us next! This year, we are partnering with the Diocese of Upper South Carolina and Jasmine Road, a UTO Grant site and an affiliate of Thistle Farms in Nashville, Tennessee. The intern will live in an intentional community (http://www.faithreasontomfoolery.org/vistahouse), participate in the UTO Pilgrimage to Spain and the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, and attend one of the training seminars at Thistle Farms. To learn more about the internship or to apply, please visit www.episcopalchurch.org/uto. The application deadline is June 1, and the internship is open to young women in The Episcopal Church in their 20s who are interested in the work of Jasmine Road and UTO.

2019 UTO Annual Grant Process Timeline
The deadline has now passed for the 2019 Grant Process. Thank you to everyone who applied, who served on a screening committee, and who gave in 2018 to support the 2019 grants! With that said, please note the following important information about your application:

  • If at any time you decide you no longer want your application to proceed through the process for any reason, please contact Heather Melton as soon as possible by email so that we can remove your application from consideration.
  • Applications will be reviewed and awards determined by the UTO Board and sent to Executive Council for approval at its meeting June 10-13. Applicants will be notified of the status of their projects by June 17. Checks and wire transfers will be sent beginning the week of June 17.
  • Final reports for the 2019 grants will be due by July 1, 2020. Extension requests are due by April 1, 2020.

2018 Ingathering Report and Data Now Available
We are pleased to announce that the 2018 Ingathering results are now available. Thanks to your help, our total available to award in grants for 2019 is $1,535,740.55. In 2018, giving to UTO increased by just more than $15,000. We give thanks for the 53 dioceses who increased giving in 2018. Thank you to everyone who marked the daily blessings of their lives with their UTO Blue Box so that many wonderful missions and ministries will be empowered to do new things in 2019 as your blessings go on to bless so many others. For a full breakdown of information regarding the Ingathering, please see the annual report and the Ingathering page at www.unitedthankoffering.org. If you are a diocesan UTO coordinator or diocesan staff person and have questions about the Ingathering Report or would like a list of the direct donors, please be in touch with Michelle at miwalker@episcopalchurch.org.

2018 Annual Report Now Available
Last year, we created our first annual report to give an overview of the work of the Board and staff. We received such great feedback that we’ll continue to create an annual report each spring. The annual report is a way for us to let you know the big-picture things we are working on, be accountable with our finances, and give a snapshot of the work of UTO. You can download your copy of the annual report at www.episcopalchurch.org/uto.

Each month, the UTO Board provides sample newsletter articles and bulletin announcements that you can edit for use in your diocese or congregation. They are available here: https://unitedthankoffering.com/ingathering/sample-newsletter-articles/.

All webinars are held using Zoom
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