united thank offering

In Case You Missed It…

1. 2019 UTO Annual Grant Process Timeline: The deadline has now passed for the 2019 Grant Process. Thank you to everyone who applied, who served on a screening committee, and who gave in 2018 to support the 2019 grants! With that said, please note the following important information about your application:

  • If you are a grant applicant, please be sure that you are available throughout the month of March to answer any follow-up questions that the Board might have.
  • If at any time you decide you no longer want your application to proceed through the process for any reason, please contact Heather Melton as soon as possible by email so that we can remove your application from consideration.
  • Applications will be reviewed and awards determined by the UTO Board and sent to Executive Council for approval at its meeting June 10-13. Applicants will be notified of the status of their projects by June 17. Checks and wire transfers will be sent beginning the week of June 17.
  • Final reports for the 2019 grants will be due by July 1, 2020. Extension requests are due by April 1, 2020.

2. Reminder: Each month, the UTO Board provides sample newsletter articles and bulletin announcements that you can edit for use in your diocese or congregation. They are available here: https://unitedthankoffering.com/ingathering/sample-newsletter-articles/.

3. UTO Database: At General Convention, we launched our brand-new membership database. Thank you to everyone who has already uploaded their current information! This database will help us track which congregations are participating in UTO and better communicate with members and leaders. With that said, the database is only as good as the data in it, so we need your help to keep it current. Please use this link to upload your information or to update it whenever there are any changes in your life or in the leadership of UTO in your parish or diocese. Please follow this link to register and/or update your information: https://unitedthankoffering.membershiptoolkit.com/login?r=%2Fdirectory.

All webinars are held using Zoom

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