In Case You Missed It…

2019 Grant Deadline Extended
In light of the current pandemic, all 2019 grant recipients have been notified by email that the deadline for reporting will be extended until December 1, 2020. If you received a 2019 grant and did not get the email, please let Heather Melton know so she can share the information with you.

News for 2021 Granting Cycle
by Joyce Landers, Vice-President, United Thank Offering Board

Since you might be at home and needing something positive to think about, we hope you will think ahead to the 2021 UTO Grant cycle. The 2021 grant applications will be made available on Friday, September 4 at 5 p.m. Eastern time. The focus has already been chosen and is Act: Turn love into action by caring for God’s creation to protect the most vulnerable who will bear the largest burden of pollution and climate change. We highly recommend that anyone interested in applying for a grant begin work as early as possible. This will give you a chance to fully research your idea as well as ask for advice from your diocese and the UTO Board. In the past, those who have asked for assistance have been able to submit a much stronger application and have increased their chance of funding.

UTO Staff Officer Heather Melton is available and willing to offer you any help you need until the month prior to the deadline, so please plan and work ahead. She can be reached at The Rev. Canon Heather Melton. We will be hosting several webinars that will give you the opportunity to ask us questions and learn more about the granting process. The dates, times, and link will be published with the application materials. We want to remind all grant writers that Heather’s availability to answer questions and provide editorial assistance decreases the closer we get to the deadline. We thank you for your understanding and your respect for her time.

The UTO Board thanks you for your participation and support of this important ministry. We understand that without all of you, we could not accomplish anything. We value all the coordinators as well as those who work diligently to make the ministries that we fund possible. Working together, we have helped to spread the kingdom of God here on earth.

Updates for the Database
It is that time of year again for us to check in and make sure we’ve been notified about any changes in leadership for UTO. As we prepare the Annual Report, we want to be able to thank any UTO coordinators whose term ended in 2019 and update our database. Additionally, we are hoping to hold webinars this summer for new diocesan coordinators and new parish coordinators to make sure they have the support they need to lead UTO in their local context. We will try to schedule these webinars around the times that best work for new coordinators who respond to the survey.

To share any changes in status of leadership, please fill out the form here. If you encounter any issues or need additional help, please let Heather. Heather will send out certificates at the end of each month.

All webinars are held using Zoom
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