united thank offering

In Case You Missed It…

2019 UTO Grant Recipients
Please be aware that your mid-year report is now due! Please be sure to email your report to Michelle at miwalker@episcopalchurch.org.

Monthly Sermons
Beginning in December (so the sermon will be for January), we are going to offer a sermon sample for the following month. Many of you have expressed a desire to have a brief sermon that can be adapted based on the lectionary or that can simply be read in smaller congregations that utilize the Sermons That Work offerings on the weeks when you gather for Morning Prayer instead of the Eucharist. The sermons will always be for the second Sunday of the month so congregations can plan ahead, and we’ll keep them archived on the blog by the lectionary reference, date, and author. You can find all of the sermons here: https://unitedthankoffering.com/ingathering/liturgical-resources/, including some generic ones that can be adapted to any week of the lectionary. If you’d like to write a sermon for others to use, please email Heather and she’ll help get you started.

Thankful Thursdays
You might have noticed that many clergy are now holding prayers each week on Facebook Live. I find these offerings a wonderful addition to my own daily meditations and prayers, even when I’m not able to join, because just knowing they are there praying is comforting. I then began to think about offering a space to pray and to give thanks on our UTO Facebook page. So, beginning in January, we’ll gather on the UTO Facebook page for a quick prayer and a litany of thanksgiving, as well as time for you to share your prayers with the group. We’ll gather live at noon Eastern time each Thursday, but if you can’t make it, the video will remain up so you can join in at a time that works for you.

Resources for Children
A big thank you to the Diocese of California for sharing this wonderful resource for teaching gratitude to children in the format of Godly Play called “Our Daily Gifts: A Practice of Gratitude,” which is now available (along with all of our other formation resources) here: https://unitedthankoffering.com/ingathering/gratitude-practices/.

All webinars are held using Zoom
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: https://zoom.us/my/utomtgs
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