By Daria Condon, UTO Formation and Development Committee

Have you enjoyed the multiple resources provided by the United Thank Offering over the past few months? I have enjoyed them, and I would love for you to join us for Lent. The materials are available to be ordered now. There are resources in English and Spanish, for adults and children. Recently, I spent a few minutes selecting materials for myself and my parish. I even selected the children’s materials to share with our Sunday school. It is easy to navigate the site, and the materials are free or downloadable.
My experience with these has been nothing but positive. I am developing a much deeper relationship with gratitude in my everyday life and am finding that increased gratitude brings me so much increased joy in my life.
I hope you’ll take the opportunity to check out all of these amazing resources. Each Lent, UTO offers a variety of resources for congregations, families, children, and individuals. This year, UTO is proud to join with Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) to present 40 Days of Welcome and Gratitude: a call to giving thanks for the ways we are welcomed in the world and the ways that people offer welcome to us and to our communities. UTO and EMM are excited to partner together this Lent to provide a multifaceted program to help people of all ages consider ways we experience and provide welcome that we are grateful for.
Reminder about Lenten Materials and dates:
The final date to order Lenten materials (in English and/or Spanish) to have printed and shipped to your parish is Jan. 10. The final date to order Lenten materials to have the shipped to your family is Feb. 20. Order materials here.
Ash Wednesday is March 5 – sign up now to receive a daily gratitude prompt via text message (the same as what appears on the calendar for adults) at