Grant Site Update: A Cup of Cold Water, Maui

By Heather Melton, UTO Staff Officer 

Often when we share a grant site update it is from a current grant site working on their project. However, this month we want to highlight the incredible work of a UTO grant site from 2013: A Cup of Cold Water in Maui, Hawaii. In 2013, UTO gave funds to help purchase a vehicle so this ministry could bring water, supplies, and food to those in need. As many of you know, Maui is recovering from devastating fires, and that recovery will take quite a long time. We hope you visit the webpage set up to share updates on the recovery process and to support the work happening directly on the ground through the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii and A Cup of Cold Water. If you are able to give to support this work, we hope you will. If not, we hope you’ll remember them in your prayers; and if you hear someone asking how to help, suggest giving to this incredible ministry.