By Sherri Dietrich, UTO Board President

April 26, 2022 12-1:30p Eastern Time
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In honor of the centennial of Julia Chester Emery’s death, the United Thank Offering (UTO) is spending 2022 raising up the stories and experiences of women in The Episcopal Church. Though she left behind a legacy of great works for the church that continue to this day, Emery rarely took credit for the things she accomplished while working for the Board of Missions and is relatively unknown. She even turned down a marriage proposal so she could continue supporting mission and ministry in The Episcopal Church as funded by UTO and raided through the Women’s Auxiliary. Much has changed for women in the church since 1922, and yet many of the stories of everyday women leaders of the church get lost along the way. Join us as we begin the discussion with leaders across The Episcopal Church as they share stories of their experiences as women leaders and their hopes for the future. Hear stories of women ordained early in the process, of women who lead in new ways, and how women continue to create and discern God’s call in this church in ordained ministry, lay leadership, community formation, and more.